Code Of Ethics
As a Licensed massage therapists hereby pledge to abide by the ABMP Code of Ethics as outlined below.
Client Relationships:
• I shall endeavor to serve the best interests of my clients at all times and to provide the highest quality service possible.
• I shall maintain clear and honest communications with my clients and shall keep client communications confidential.
• I shall acknowledge the limitations of my skills and, when necessary, refer clients to the appropriate qualified health care professional.
• I shall in no way instigate or tolerate any kind of sexual advance while acting in the capacity of a massage therapist.
• I shall maintain the highest standards of professional conduct, providing services in an ethical and professional manner in relation to my clientele, business associates, health care professionals, and the general public.
• I shall respect the rights of all ethical practitioners and will cooperate with all health care professionals in a friendly and professional manner.
• I shall refrain from the use of any mind-altering drugs, alcohol, or intoxicants prior to or during professional sessions.
• I shall always dress in a professional manner, proper dress being defined as attire suitable and consistent with accepted business and professional practice.
• I shall not be affiliated with or employed by any business that utilizes any form of sexual suggestiveness or explicit sexuality in its advertising or promotion of services, or in the actual practice of its services.
Scope of Practice / Appropriate Techniques:
• I shall provide services within the scope of the ABMP definition of massage therapy and the limits of my training. I will not employ those massage techniques for which I have not had adequate training and shall represent my education, training, qualifications and abilities honestly.
• I shall be conscious of the intent of the services that I am providing and shall be aware of and practice good judgment regarding the application of massage, bodywork or somatic techniques utilized.
• I shall not perform manipulations or adjustments of the human skeletal structure, diagnose, prescribe or provide any other service, procedure or therapy which requires a license to practice chiropractic, osteopathy, physical therapy, podiatry, orthopedics, psychotherapy, acupuncture, dermatology, cosmetology, or any other profession or branch of medicine unless specifically licensed to do so.
• I shall be thoroughly educated and understand the physiological effects of the specific massage techniques utilized in order to determine whether such application is contraindicated and/or to determine the most beneficial techniques to apply to a given individual. I shall not apply massage techniques in those cases where they may be contraindicated without a written referral from the client’s primary care provider.
Image / Advertising Claims:
• I shall strive to project a professional image for myself, my business or place of employment, and the profession in general.
• I shall actively participate in educating the public regarding the actual benefits of massage, bodywork, somatic therapies and skin care.
• I shall practice honesty in advertising, promote my services ethically and in good taste, and practice and/or advertise only those techniques for which I have received adequate training and/or certification. I shall not make false claims regarding the potential benefits of the techniques rendered.